Want to commit yourself to tidying up, but don't know where to start? Cleaning up a messy space can feel incredibly overwhelming - or even downright impossible at times. Check out this weekly, "KonMari Tip of the Week" to help you get started!

Why KonMari?
The goal of the KonMari Method is to create a space full of items that spark joy in your life. When deciding whether to keep or toss and item, ask yourself: "Does it spark joy in my life?"

September Pro Tip:
When organizing a busy space, having a de-cluttering plan is paramount. Imagine your ideal space and begin tidying up by category, not by location. Doing so will split the task up into manageable projects with a purpose!
Here’s how to do it:
Choose a category: Clothing, Books, Paper, Misc, Mementos
Empty items to a visible location (i.e., place them in a pile on the floor)
Only keep items that spark joy!
Do it all in one go! Inspired by the Japanese phrase "ikki ni" or, all in one go, seeing a dramatic change in your space can spark joy and improve your mindset.